In the last year I will have seen about a hundred. “I see them every night when I go home, especially if I’ve been to dinner. “They go down where the houses are and as soon as they smell food … It is not that they attack you, but they go for your bag and it seems that they are a bit violent”, He has pointed out about the problems that these creatures are causing in his native Barcelona. The Spanish international also wanted to share his vision of the media attack that the Colombian star suffered at the hands of a group of wild boars, an incident that generated countless headlines in the press around the world just a few months ago. “ It’s not that I help him compose, but he does ask me if I like them or not, and from there he makes a change.s ”, has confessed the star of the ball and also businessman as he passed through the night program ‘El Hormiguero’, where, among other things, he spoke about the organization of the Davis Cup of tennis, which is run by one of its societies and which this year is based in the city of Madrid. Shakira has shown on numerous occasions that some of his most notorious lyrics are clearly inspired by the love and attraction he feels for his partner, the soccer player Gerard Piqué, but now it has been the FC Barcelona captain himself who has wanted to give certain details about the role he plays in certain compositions of the pop star.